Low field NMR spectrometer
Available Probes:
Probe for 23 mm o.d. sample tubes. 1H NMR relaxometric and diffusion experiments at 23MHz.
Probe for 10 mm o.d. sample tubes. 1H NMR relaxometric and diffusion experiments at 23 MHz. Variable temperature from -30 to 150 °C.
Probe for 23mm o.d. sample tubes. 19F relaxometric experiments.
RI NMR for the control of the instrument.
WinFit for fitting multi-exponential relaxation data. WinDXP for model-free fits of multi-exponential relaxation data.
Consortium Member Fees*:
Instrument, after 8 hours of continuous use
Manager assistance or training:
*These rates only apply to personnel from consortium member institutions (Emory, Georgia Tech and Georgia State). Enquire for the charge rates if you are not from a consortium member institution.